After actor Nitish Bharadwaj, another actor from Mahabharata has called out Mukesh Khanna for his comment on Sonakshi Sinha's knowledge about Hindu mythological epic, Ramayana. Actor Puneet Issar who essayed the role of Duryodhan in Mahabharata said that Khanna should have shown more grace and that the world does not end if Sonakshi does not know the facts from the epic.
Talking to an entertainment portal, Puneet said that Khanna should not have said that and should not condemn someone so openly. He said that one should be graceful as they age. He also said that Sonakshi is a student of AVM and his kids too go over there. He further said that just because she could not answer a question on KBC, the world does not end there.
Mukesh Khanna in a recent interview said that the reruns of the old shows will be useful to many who haven't watched the show earlier. He also said that it will help people like Sonakshi Sinha who have no knowledge about our mythological sagas.
For the unaware, Sonakshi landed in a controversy after she appeared on Amitabh Bachchan's game show Kaun Banega Crorepati last year. After failing to answer the question “For whom did Hanuman bring Sanjeevani booti,” she used one of her lifelines to choose between four options - Sugriva, Lakshmana, Sita and Rama. While she was heavily trolled online, even Amitabh could not help but school her.
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