Akshay Kumar recently announced his association with the game FAU-G after the government of India banned the game, PUBG. However, soon after Akshay Kumar announced his association with game, there were a lot of rumours regarding this being Sushant Singh Rajput’s brainchild. However, in an official statement, GOQii announced that there was no truth to this rumour. While the rumours did not stop, the company reached out to Bombay Civil Court for the same.
The Bombay Civil Court has now issued an interim order that says that the people trying to spread rumours will be restrained by the court. GOQii took to their Twitter to announce that those trying to spread fake and malicious rumours regarding the game will be prosecuted. The tweet reads, “Important Press Statement Interim order passed by Hon`ble Bombay City Civil Court @akshaykumar @vishalgondal @nCore_games #JaiHind”
Take a look at it, right here.
Important Press Statement
Interim order passed by Hon`ble Bombay City Civil Court@akshaykumar @vishalgondal @nCore_games #JaiHind pic.twitter.com/MERSwLDJrj
— GOQii (@GOQii) September 17, 2020
Also Read: Akshay Kumar announces the release date of Laxmmi Bomb with a teaser video
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