After being on a break for almost 6 months, Salman Khan has resumed the shoot for Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai where he will be seen starring opposite Disha Patani. The actor will be seen playing the role of a no-nonsense cop and needed international help during the fast-paced fight scenes with the Goan mafia and overlord, played by Randeep Hooda in the film. The Prabhudheva directorial film will have South Korea’s biggest star and stuntman Kwon Tae-Ho choreograph the fight sequence in the film.
The actor flew the South Korean martial art expert back in 2019 and he was put up in a 5-star hotel in Bandstand. The scenes were fast-paced and slick which led to a mutual agreement between Salman Khan and Prabhu Dheva roping in Kwon Tae-Ho as he is the best in business. As per the sources, he was in India for a month where he shot with the team at a studio in Bandra. Tae-Ho will also be seen featuring in the said scene and will be seen engaging in hand-to-hand combat with Salman Khan.
Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai also stars Jackie Shroff who will be seen playing a pivotal role in the film. How excited are you to see Salman Khan’s fight scene with Kwon Tae-Ho? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.
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