Actress Rhea Chakraborty, after spending nearly a month in jail, had filed a case against Sushant Singh Rajput's sisters Meetu Singh and Priyanka Singh. In her complaint, Rhea said that the sisters had forged a medical prescription and gave the later actor medicines without any expert consultation.
Meanwhile, Rhea's lawyer Satish Maneshinde reportedly issued a statement that the sisters gave their brother wrongfully prescribed medicines while being fully aware of his mental health condition. The lawyer said that Rhea filed the FIR for a specific offence of having forged a prescription and administered illegally. He said that Sushant was already communicated about the medicine by Priyanka in her messages on June 8, 2020.
The lawyer further said that Sushant was at the time consulting five doctors all of whom advised him to abstain from drugs because of his mental health. He said that Rhea suggested him to follow the advice of the doctors but he refused leading to the actress walking out of the house on June 8 as per the wishes of SSR.
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