On Wednesday, the makers of Bigg Boss OTT had released the teaser of the upcoming show on Voot featuring Salman Khan. Now, it has been revealed that filmmaker Karan Johar will be hosting the OTT version of the reality show on Voot. Earlier it was speculated that Bigg Boss 13 fame Siddharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill will be hosting the show.
Talking to a news agency, Karan Johar said that he and his mother are huge fans of the show and wouldn’t miss it for a day. He said that as a viewer it keeps him hugely entertained. He said that Bigg Boss OTT will surely be over-the-top. The filmmaker also said that his mother, Hiroo Johar's dream has come true.
Karan added that the show will be a lot more sensational and dramatic and hopes to make the Weekend Ka Vaar with the contestants an enjoyable affair in his own style.
Karan will host the show for the six weeks run of Bigg Boss OTT which premieres on August 8 on Voot. After the OTT version, the show will be aired on TV with Salman Khan as the host and will be launched as Bigg Boss 15.
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